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Bread from Heaven

The story of God's provision of the manna in Exodus 16 has always captured my imagination. After the triumphal exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt where God miraculously opened up the Red Sea and delivered them from the pursuing Egyptians, the people quickly forgot the power of Yehovah and began to murmur and grumble. Recollections of the savoury lamb stew and furnace-baked bread in Egypt made their mouths salivate in the barren surroundings of the wilderness. In typical human fashion, they had repressed the memories of the harsh conditions under which they had partaken of the ample provisions. They could only think now of how their appetites had been satiated, rather than rejoice they were no longer under the austere oppression of Egyptian slavery. However, their grumbling reached the LORD's ears and He graciously made provision in the desert.

The manna, which the LORD faithfully proffered six mornings a week for the next forty years, was a substance never seen before on earth:

When the layer of dew had lifted, there on the wilderness ground was a fine flaky something, fine as frost on the ground. The Israelites took one look and said to one another, man-hu (What is it?). They had no idea what it was. So Moses told them, "It’s the bread God has given you to eat..." Exodus 16:14 -15 (MSG)

It was like white coriander seed, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey. Exodus 16:31 (NKJV)

What an amazing provision! Surely this bread from heaven was exquisite! It strikes me that it would have been sweet and delicate to the palate, something nutritious and to be enjoyed. The Psalmist exclaims in Psalm 78:25 that God rained down manna and men ate 'angels' food'. Angels' food for breakfast! What a treat! 

Now that I have mentioned 'bread from heaven', I am sure your mind has already gone to John ch 6 in the New Testament. There the Lord Jesus reminds His audience that Moses did not provide the bread from heaven, but His Father 'gives the true bread from heaven'. 

For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. (v33)

Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. (v35)

Do we grumble about life? Are we dissatisfied? Our hunger can only be satisfied by Christ, the Bread of Life. His presence is as sweet as the honey-tasting manna rained down from heaven several millenia ago. Manna became Man so that He could lay down His life and rise from the dead to procure eternal life for those who believe in Him. When you walk with Him and your heart is strangely warmed, you're feeding on the Bread from Heaven. 

Bread of heaven

Feed me till I want no more!


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