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Showing posts from 2010

Keep Celebrating

I had a terrible thought this morning. Would anyone ever ban Christmas? Would any government ever say, ‘In the name of political correctness, Christmas will no longer be celebrated.’? I get a feeling sometimes that some outspoken, prominent people in our society understand their vocation to be that of destroying all that’s precious and dear to some others. The strange thing about the sea of political correctness is that, very often, intolerance is the outcome. God forbid that the celebration of Christmas, whatever it means to you, should ever officially disappear. As I was considering this, an Oscar Wilde quote came into my mind: "Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you." I am a lover of the truth and that is why that particular quote stuck in my mind. It is true. You can take Christmas out of our calendars, but no one can ever remove it from my soul. It is a time of peace, joy, giving, cele