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A Christmas Memory

As I settle in my seat on the balcony of this historical German church, I can hardly contain my excitement. A feeling of jubilant anticipation pervades the air as people find their seats and the orchestra warms up.

The Thomanerchor (St. Thomas Choir)* files into lines at the front of the church and a reverent hush finally settles over the audience.

The timpani drums roll, the notes from the flutes and oboes flutter delicately to the church rafters, and the trumpets sound joyfully:

Jauchzet, frohlocket! Auf, preiset die Tage … (Shout for joy, exult, rise up, praise the day) resounds the choir.

Transported by the heavenly tones, I close my eyes.

In my mind, it is the 25th of December, 1734.

Cantor Johann Sebastian Bach is leading the elite male choir on this chilly, Christmas morning. For the first time, the magnificent tones of the Christmas Oratorio are reverberating in St. Thomas Church, Leipzig.

Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn
And she gave birth to her first son
und wickelte ihn in Windeln und legte ihn in eine Krippen,
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger
denn sie hatten sonst keinen Raum in der Herberge.
for they had otherwise no room in the inn

Transfixed, the Leipzig churchgoers are taken on a stirring, timeless journey through the Christmas narrative of Luke and Matthew’s Gospels in six epic cantatas.

This is a Christmas morning which will live long in their souls.

St. Thomas Church, Leipzig

Yes, I am a bit of a dreamer, but to hear Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in its historical setting was a dream come true. The words of praise brought a special joy to my heart.

Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage,

Rejoice, exult, arise, praise the days,

rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!

extol what the Highest has done today!

Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,

Cease hesitation, banish complaint,

stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!

join in with rejoicing and exultation!

Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören!

Serve the Highest with glorious choruses!

Lasst uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren.

Let us revere the name of the Sovereign.²

Christmas is the time of year when we enjoy praising and worshipping the Saviour as we celebrate His birth. May you have a special December, attending as many Christmas concerts as possible! The Lord is worthy of praise!

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6, NKJV)


*The St. Thomas Choir of Leipzig, founded in the year 1212, comprises 90 boys aged 9–18 years of age. Johann Sebastian Bach was Thomaskantor from 1723 -1750. Today, the members live in a boarding school (Thomasalumnat); the younger boys attend Anna-Magdalena-Bach-Schule (Primary) and the older members are educated at St. Thomas Grammar School.³ If you visit Leipzig, check out Thomanerchor events and you may have the chance to catch a concert. In addition to Bach, their repertoire includes Renaissance and contemporary music.







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