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A Worshipping Heart

Recently, I stood at the open grave of a much beloved relative who had told the preacher not to pay tribute to her in his eulogy, but rather to speak much of her wonderful Saviour before his audience. How beautiful!

A person who lives with the goal of glorifying Christ is indeed a precious soul on earth and is well known in the courts of Heaven. People who worship God not only in song but with their whole manner of living are people who carry His presence with them. A worshipping heart is a humble, thankful heart inspired by God’s love to put Him first in their lives and to reach out to a hurting world. A worshipping heart neither complains nor grumbles about circumstances, but brings a spirit of peace into the midst.

This was evident in my relative’s life.

What a great example to follow!

When we are tempted to feel dismayed or overwhelmed by events, sometimes it is necessary to listen to a song and worship! When we get our eyes off the problems and focus on the attributes of God, we are immediately filled with a calming reassurance that everything is under His control. Let’s not contemplate the size of our problems, but the size of our God!

Our God is greater,
Our God is stronger,
God, You are higher than any other,
Our God is Healer,
Awesome in power,
Our God, our God.


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