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The Crime of Idolatry

This morning I read 2 Chronicles 34 and was moved by the story of Josiah and his truthful heart before the Lord. The temple was in ruins at this time as Israel had turned away from the Living God and had returned to worshipping Baal under the reign of Manasseh. Despite his idolatrous surroundings, Josiah ‘began to seek the God of his father David’ at the age of 16 (see verse 3). He then destroys all the wooden, carved and molded images of idolatry in the ‘high places’ and the altars where incense was burned. The temple is restored and the Book of the Law is found. Shaphan appears before the king with the Book and reads the contents.

Josiah’s reaction spoke to me most. We read, ‘he tore his clothes’. This was an outward symbol in the Old Testament of repentance. The words of God brought true repentance when he realized he and his people had not been keeping God’s Laws. The prophetess Huldah warns that God has been provoked to anger through their idolatry and an outpouring of His wrath is imminent. However, because of Josiah’s repentant heart, God hears his prayer: v27 “because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before Me, and you tore your clothes and wept before Me, I also have heard you,” says the LORD.

Idolatry provokes God to anger. Praying to or exalting and worshipping that which is not God is idolatry. This is the first commandment: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
Exodus 20:2-6.

Let us search our hearts and be like Josiah with tender hearts to accept God’s Word in our lives. Let us have the courage to stand up for God’s truth no matter the cost.

Zlostorstvo na Idolopoklonstvoto

Utrovo ja procitav 34ta glava vo 2 Letopisi i bev trognata od sluckata so Josij i negovototo iskreno srce pred Gospod. Hramot bese razruzen vo toa vreme bidejќi Izrael se imase svrteno od ziviot Bog i se vrati na slavanje na Vaal pod vladeenjeto na Manasij. Pokraj idolopoklonickata okolina, Josij pocna do Go bara Bog na tatkoto David na vozrast od 16 godini (vidi stih 3). Toj togas gi unisti site aseri, vajanite i leanite likovi na idolopoklonstvo na visokite mesta i zrtvenicite kade sto gorese temjan. Hramot e obnoven i Svitokot na Gospodoviot Zakon e najden. Safan se pojavuva pred kralot i ja cita sodrzinata.

Reakcijata na Josij najmnogu mi zboruvase vo srceto. Citame: gi raskina svoite obleki. Toa bese nadvoresen znak na pokajuvanje vo Stariot Zavet. Bozjite zborovi predizvikaa vistinsko pokajuvanje koga razbra deka toj i negoviot narod ne gi drzea do togas Bozjite zakoni.

Prorocicata Olda predupreduva deka Bog se naluti so nivnoto idolopoklonstvo i deka e blisku da go isturi Negoviot gnev. Megutoa poradi pokajnickoto srce na Josij, Bog ja slusa negovata molitva: st. 27 Ама бидејќи ти смекна срцето, и зашто се смири пред Бога откако чу што им објавив на тој град и на неговите жители, и смирувајќи се пред Мене, ги раскина облеките и плачеше, затоа те послушав - вели Господ!

Idolopoklonstvoto go razbesnuva Bog. Molenje, vozdignuvanje i poklonuvanje na toa sto ne e Bog e idolopoklonstvo. Ovaa e prvata zapoved: Јас Сум Господ, твој Бог, Кој те изведе од Египетската Земја, од куќата на ропството. Не ќе имаш никакви други богови покрај Мене. Не ќе си правиш врезан лик, ниту некаква слика на она што е горе во небото, или долу на земјата, или во водата под земја. Не ќе им се поклонуваш ниту ќе им служиш, зашто Јас, Господ, твојот Бог, Сум ревнив Бог. Ја посетувам неправдата на татковците - на оние кои Ме мразат - на децата до третото и четвртото поколение, а покажувам милости на илјадници, кои Ме љубат и ги пазат Моите заповеди. Izlez 20: 2-6.

Neka da gi ispitame nasite srca i neka da licime na Josij so nezni srca da mozeme da go prifatime Bozjoto Slovo vo nasite zivoti. Neka da ja imame hrabrosta da ja odbranime Bozjata vistina po bilo koja cena.


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