This morning I read 2 Chronicles 34 and was moved by the story of Josiah and his truthful heart before the Lord. The temple was in ruins at this time as Israel had turned away from the Living God and had returned to worshipping Baal under the reign of Manasseh. Despite his idolatrous surroundings, Josiah ‘began to seek the God of his father David’ at the age of 16 (see verse 3). He then destroys all the wooden, carved and molded images of idolatry in the ‘high places’ and the altars where incense was burned. The temple is restored and the Book of the Law is found. Shaphan appears before the king with the Book and reads the contents. Josiah’s reaction spoke to me most. We read, ‘he tore his clothes’. This was an outward symbol in the Old Testament of repentance. The words of God brought true repentance when he realized he and his people had not been keeping God’s Laws. The prophetess Huldah warns that God has been provoked to anger through their idolatry and an outpouring of His wrath...